Welcome! Thanks for checking out With a Sense of Wonder.
I’m fascinated by the built environment imagined, designed, and
constructed around the globe. Buildings that give us protection from the
elements. Aqueducts that move water to where it’s needed. Sacred spaces that
provide us with a sense of peace and connection. Some of these built works are
lost to history; though, many still stand—some as ruins or monuments, others still
as functional facilities.
I’m an engineer and technical communicator. I travel to witness
these works and to learn more about why and how they came to be. To shed some
light on the history of engineering and its impact on our world.
Come back for stories on how Venice was built, how subways were
constructed in the 19th century, or why the Leaning Tower of Pisa leans.
I hope you enjoy learning about these engineering achievements (and
sometimes failures) as much as I enjoy sharing them with you.